You are currently viewing A Beginner’s Guide to the Kali Linux
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This is a very long time since the last post.
But I’m back with a new topic.

linux commands

Want to learn Kali Linux? then you should start with a beginners guide. But, wait! Are you going to buy a beginners guide course?
Before you go, you should try to understand some basic commands for Linux terminal.

So, without wasting your valuable time, Let’s begin.

1 Date Command – “date”
This command is used to display the date and time. I know that this not a new thing for you but in a terminal, this command is useful for you.

2 Cal Command – “cal”
Now, this command is going to interesting. Because this command will print the calendar in the terminal for you.

3 Ls Command – “ls”
This is a useful command that will list all the directories and all the files of a directory. If we say it in a simple way – this command will show you all the files and subfolders of a folder.

4 Who am I Command – “whoami”
This command will print your user ID to the terminal.

5 Who Command – ” who”
You can use this command to print the information about users who are logged in.

6 Cd Command – “cd”
The cd (change directories) command is used to change the current working directory.

7 Pwd Command – “pwd”
This command is known as “Print working directory”. And it is used to print the working directory.

8 Mkdir Command – “mkdir”
Use this command to create a new directory. for example, if you wish to create a file named “tecnicalg.txt” under “Desktop” type –
“mkdir root/Desktop/technicalg.txt”

9 Rm Command – “rm”
This command is used to delete files or directories. You can use this command like –
“rm root/Desktop/technicalg.txt”

10 Uptime Command – “uptime”
It will print the time for which your system is running or up.

So, guys, these were some of the basic commands for Kali Linux beginners. I hope you enjoy reading this post. If you really enjoy reading this post then share this article with your friends too.
Or if you have any suggestions then comment it below.

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